Plinky firmware
Latest STABLE firmware
The latest stable firmware version is 0.A7 released on 2025-01-29.
"Combined update to Bootloader 1.04 and Firmware 0.A7. For Mac M1+ and Linux users, this update fixes a bug where the Plinky drive in UF2 mode could only be mounted manually via command line. Mac and Linux users: if the USB drive is not showing up for you, follow the Firmware install instructions below, and manually mount Plinky one last time. Then copy the UF2 file to the drive, and press the encoder to reboot."
Download STABLE firmwareLatest BETA firmware
The latest beta firmware version is 0.B0 released on 2025-02-17.
"A great number of fixes for the sequencer, contributed by RJ-Eckie. Read PR 35 on the Plinky github for details on the changes, and jump into the discussion on the Plinky discord in the #beta-firmware channel. A big thank you for your stellar contribution, RJ, and whocano for testing!"
Download BETA firmwareFirmware install instructions
Installing the firmware takes only a few moments:
- Unplug all cables from Plinky
- Connect a USB cable to your Plinky
- Do not power from Eurorack at the same time, and use only one USB port
- Hold down the encoder (rightmost knob), and plug the USB cable into your computer
Plinky will show up as a drive and you should see the "tunnel of lights" effect on Plinky's LEDs.
- Drag and drop CURRENT.uf2 to the drive. Make sure the file is called CURRENT.uf2 - do not rename.
- While flashing, the LEDs will flicker. This is normal.
- To finish, just click the encoder again. Plinky will boot up and you should see the correct version number.
No tunnel of lights on Plinky?
- Double check that all 5 Encoder pins are soldered. The side with 2 pins is the switch for the "click".
USB drive not showing up?
- Make sure your cable can transmit data. Try another cable.
- Mac M1 / M2 users on MacOS 14 follow these steps. Then upgrade to Firmware 0.A7 or higher.
- Linux users follow these steps. Then upgrade to Firmware 0.A7 or higher.
0.A6 (2024-08-02)
Set the MIDI I/O channels from the unprinted pad in the bottom row. Shift up + unprinted pad = MIDI input, Shift down + unprinted pad = MIDI output channel. Stored with each preset.
0.A5 (2024-08-01)
Fixes scaling issue with the Encoder when adjusting headphone volume.
0.A4 (2024-07-05)
Reverts loop recording from 0.A2. Keeps USB fix.
0.A3 (2024-07-04)
Fixes compatibility for some USB MIDI hosts, like Tubbtec Brainstep.
0.A2 (2024-04-01)
This version lets you record a loop to the sequencer, and play over it.
0.A1 (2024-03-15)
Fixes midi clock via hard midi (via expander or TRS input on V3)
0.A (2023-01-06)
USB MIDI fixes
0.9z (2021-06-26)
fix for clicks in the shimmer reverb
0.9y (2021-06-17)
fixed wavetable import. update the wavetable by copying a WAVETAB.UF2 over to plinky!
0.9x (2021-06-02)
added 'diminished' scale
0.9w (2021-06-01)
found the bug that trashes the last sample slice position! also now display sample amplitudes on the pad LEDs during tape playback. also re-enable expander midi out after bug hunting. add a new saw LFO shape.
0.9s (2021-05-27)
FIXES BAD BUG IN 09r. increases octave number by 1 and makes it so long-press encoder to reset mod doesnt also reset the parameter value
0.9r (2021-05-23)
HAS A BUG WITH NOTE DISPLAY - increases octave number by 1 and makes it so long-press encoder to reset mod doesnt also reset the parameter value
0.9p (2021-05-14)
hidden feature: if you hold down encoder for 5 seconds or so it says 'REBOOT?' and if you keep holdin it says'REBOOT!' and when you release, it reboots. if you quickly re-click, it will go into flash mode
0.9m (2021-05-07)
This moves the accelerometer sensitivity on the 'settings' button, and instead on the 'lower' shift of volume (bottom right) you get stereo width. 50% = normal stereo, 0% = all mid, no side; 100% = all side, no mid. Also supports name and category for presets (editable via web soon!)