Plinky firmware

Firmware install instructions

Installing the firmware takes only a few moments:

  • Unplug all cables from Plinky
  • Connect a USB cable to your Plinky
  • Do not power from Eurorack at the same time, and use only one USB port
  • Hold down the encoder (rightmost knob), and plug the USB cable into your computer

Plinky will show up as a drive and you should see the "tunnel of lights" effect on Plinky's LEDs.

  • Drag and drop CURRENT.uf2 to the drive. Make sure the file is called CURRENT.uf2 - do not rename.
  • While flashing, the LEDs will flicker. This is normal.
  • To finish, just click the encoder again. Plinky will boot up and you should see the correct version number.

No tunnel of lights on Plinky?

  • Double check that all 5 Encoder pins are soldered. The side with 2 pins is the switch for the "click".

USB drive not showing up?

  • Make sure your cable can transmit data. Try another cable.
  • Mac M1 / M2 users on MacOS 14 follow these steps. Then upgrade to Firmware 0.A7 or higher.
  • Linux users follow these steps. Then upgrade to Firmware 0.A7 or higher.


0.A6 (2024-08-02)

Set the MIDI I/O channels from the unprinted pad in the bottom row. Shift up + unprinted pad = MIDI input, Shift down + unprinted pad = MIDI output channel. Stored with each preset.


0.A5 (2024-08-01)

Fixes scaling issue with the Encoder when adjusting headphone volume.


0.A4 (2024-07-05)

Reverts loop recording from 0.A2. Keeps USB fix.


0.A3 (2024-07-04)

Fixes compatibility for some USB MIDI hosts, like Tubbtec Brainstep.


0.A2 (2024-04-01)

This version lets you record a loop to the sequencer, and play over it.


0.A1 (2024-03-15)

Fixes midi clock via hard midi (via expander or TRS input on V3)


0.A (2023-01-06)

USB MIDI fixes


0.9z (2021-06-26)

fix for clicks in the shimmer reverb


0.9y (2021-06-17)

fixed wavetable import. update the wavetable by copying a WAVETAB.UF2 over to plinky!


0.9x (2021-06-02)

added 'diminished' scale


0.9w (2021-06-01)

found the bug that trashes the last sample slice position! also now display sample amplitudes on the pad LEDs during tape playback. also re-enable expander midi out after bug hunting. add a new saw LFO shape.


0.9s (2021-05-27)

FIXES BAD BUG IN 09r. increases octave number by 1 and makes it so long-press encoder to reset mod doesnt also reset the parameter value


0.9r (2021-05-23)

HAS A BUG WITH NOTE DISPLAY - increases octave number by 1 and makes it so long-press encoder to reset mod doesnt also reset the parameter value


0.9p (2021-05-14)

hidden feature: if you hold down encoder for 5 seconds or so it says 'REBOOT?' and if you keep holdin it says'REBOOT!' and when you release, it reboots. if you quickly re-click, it will go into flash mode


0.9m (2021-05-07)

This moves the accelerometer sensitivity on the 'settings' button, and instead on the 'lower' shift of volume (bottom right) you get stereo width. 50% = normal stereo, 0% = all mid, no side; 100% = all side, no mid. Also supports name and category for presets (editable via web soon!)


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